Rate Sch 3A5: Small General Service
- For single phase users with energy consumption of 15,000 kilowatt hours or less in the previous calendar year.
- For customers normally served by the PUD and supplied through a single meter and one point of delivery.
- Three phase service is not eligible for this rate schedule.
- Agricultural irrigation, single family residential, and single family farm services are not eligible for this rate.
Monthly Rate
Basic Fee: $ 34.50
All Kilowatt Hours @ $ 0.1072
Basic Fee - The basic fee per month will be assessed at the amount identified above for each service, unless a higher minimum has been established under the PUD's Line Extension Policy.
Customer Service Policy - Service under this schedule is subject to the Consumer Service Policy of the PUD (See Policy Bulletin No. 21)
Effective - The rates on this schedule are effective on bills issued after January 1, 2025.