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Klickitat PUD

Water Conservation Goals

In honor of Drinking Water Week each May, Klickitat PUD reminds its water customers to exercise their blue thumbs.

By taking simple steps every day, customers can keep their water bills down, allow facilities to serve more customers with the same amount of water (thereby cutting costs to all customers), and prevent sewer systems from being overloaded. Water use efficiency goals have been set for each system.

Every home uses more water than it needs to and there are many ways to cut water use without affecting your lifestyle or costing a lot. For more information check out these links:

  • EPA-WaterSense 


Most PUD water customers double or triple their water use in the summer, so it pays to use good sense in watering lawns and gardens. Do it early in the day, not in the midday heat. Avoid windy days. Landscape with low-water plants and rock gardens to reduce the amount of lawn. Use trickle-drip irrigation instead of sprinklers. 

For more information, contact Sharon with the Water/Wastewater Department at 509-773-7623 or toll-free at 
