At the September 24th KPUD commission meeting, the Klickitat PUD Commissioners approved Resolution No. 1860 providing for the 2024- 2025 Low Income Elderly Discount. This KPUD assistance program has been in place and since 1979. It provides eligible customers discounts on their electric bills between December and May, to help ease the energy burden during winter months.
The 2023-2024 Low Income Elderly Discount program (Senior Discounts) provided assistance to nearly 350 KPUD customer with discounts extended in excess of $71,000.
If you answer yes to the questions below, you should get qualified!!!
Klickitat PUD is grateful for the continued partnership with Klickitat County Senior Service, who qualifies customers for this program. Senior services is coordination with Washington Gorge Action Programs, Yakama Nation and Klickitat PUD will host multiple community enrollment events to bring all senior low income assistance opportunities together to provide one-stop assistance opportunities.